Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ankle and running update

I have had 2 weeks off from running. Due to mostly lazyness I haven't done any crosstraining in that time either. Yesterday was the San Francisco Lake Merced run. I was supposed to do 16 miles. I didn't know whether I wanted to try to run, with my ankle still bothering me. I went to the doctor last monday, and got a referral to a Sports Medicine doctor. In the mean time I got a fancy new ankle brace and the instructions to take it easy.
So by Saturday I was feeling OK, my ankle was doing better, so I decided to try a little. Jim was supposed to do 4-6 miles to prepare for Disneyland - which is next weekend!! So we did a loop of Lake Merced together. I really enjoyed it because I got to run with Jim the whole way. Usually he's Mr. Speedy, so this was the first time we'd gone together the whole way. My ankle wasn't hurting so much as the bottom of my foot, and the brace felt funny to run in. But it wasn't that bad, so I just took it nice and slow, and we did 1 loop of Lake Merced - 4.5 miles.
When we were done I was a little frustrated, I was supposed to go 16 miles, and I only went 4.5, and my ankle was really stiff.
Then I realized - I haven't done anything for 2 weeks, I have an injury, and I can still whip out 4.5 miles without much of a problem. 3 months ago 4.5 miles and I'd be dead. Yesterday I was running and chatting with Jim. So really, I think I'm doing ok.
Going to the Sports Med. doctor tomorrow, hopefully I'll be able to get this ankle back in shape and get right back on track.
Jim's run is next Monday (Labor Day) so we're going down to LA on Saturday. Jim is going to be awesome! I'm so excited for him.

Here are a couple of pics from Lake Merced. It's grey and overcast in SF, perfect for running. We don't actually have pics of us running, but here's us right before:
Note our sexy water belts and opposing Bay Area Baseball team hats.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Quick update

I've run 14 miles. More than half of a marathon. The run was great, we started running at 6:30am, and were done at about 10. Stretched, came home, took an ice bath, and relaxed for the rest of the day.
The next day my ankle started to hurt (this was last Sunday). I tried to ice it and stretch it, but I had a lot to do, so I kept moving...
My ankle has kept hurting all week, so I haven't run since last Saturday. A whole week off seems nice, but it's frustrating when my body won't do what I want it to. Still icing and stretching and resting. Yeah, it's a bit worrisome...
Monday I'm going to the doctor. I'm guessing they won't be able to tell me much other than - it's not broken, if it hurts, don't run on it. But we'll see.

Think good thoughts for me, I only have 2 months left, I might be hobbling that 26 miles, but I'm doing it.....