Sunday, August 19, 2007

Quick update

I've run 14 miles. More than half of a marathon. The run was great, we started running at 6:30am, and were done at about 10. Stretched, came home, took an ice bath, and relaxed for the rest of the day.
The next day my ankle started to hurt (this was last Sunday). I tried to ice it and stretch it, but I had a lot to do, so I kept moving...
My ankle has kept hurting all week, so I haven't run since last Saturday. A whole week off seems nice, but it's frustrating when my body won't do what I want it to. Still icing and stretching and resting. Yeah, it's a bit worrisome...
Monday I'm going to the doctor. I'm guessing they won't be able to tell me much other than - it's not broken, if it hurts, don't run on it. But we'll see.

Think good thoughts for me, I only have 2 months left, I might be hobbling that 26 miles, but I'm doing it.....

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