Sunday, September 23, 2007

Taper Time!

San Francisco rocks. We did 12 miles this morning. We're on taper to get ready for Portland, which is in 2 weeks!! Anyway, despite the crazy hills, San Francisco is so beautiful. We saw amazing views and really enjoyed the run. Who is this we you ask? Me and my fabulous running buddy Erin!
Random aside: When I get flushed part of my left upper arm turns really red, you can see it in this picture. Isn't that random?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Yay fundraising!

I have reached my fundraising minimum!! Thank you so much to everyone who donated or who spread the word. I'm very excited.

If any of you have more money burning holes in your pockets, perhaps you would like to donate to Jim? My fabulous boyfriend has already completed the Disneyland Half Marathon, and is now working on finishing his fundraising. (Link on the left).

FYI- Fundraising is a really big deal. The $2800 minimum isn't just a goal, it's a commitment. If we don't reach that amount, we get to donate to ourselves. Jim is just over $1000 right now. And while we are happy to donate some money...we don't have $1800 to donate! So please help.

And donating to him is just like donating to goes to the same place, same good cause, and saves our joint checking account.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

I've been getting deep tissue massage for my foot/ankle/leg whatever, and the pain I've had seems to be better. Last Saturday I ran/walked 17 miles. Took a really long time because I was trying to go slow and not hurt myself. But still, 17 miles!! It was hilly and trail running, so it was really dirty. How dirty you ask? Well let me show you... when I had my shoes on it just kinda made my legs look tan, but here...not so much.

I've also been through a track workout with stair climbing, and a mini-3 mile run last night.
All summer we've been trying to run late in the day or early in the morning to beat the heat, and now that it's becoming fall it's getting dark earlier! So we cut the run short so we didn't run in the dark.
This weekend I'm going to Tahoe, and hopefully I'll get some running in. We'll see what the altitude does to me. This last weekend was our longest run, now I'm tapering down to prepare for my race. A bit of a jump from 17miles to 26.2 miles, but it'll be fine :)

Aaaand, more pictures of Jim running at Disney:

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Congratulations Jim!

This Monday Jim finished the Disneyland Half Marathon in 2 hours 10 minutes and 47 seconds. He is amazing!!

We had a really fun weekend in LA. Went to Medieval Times, went to Disneyland, almost died in the triple digit weather, and learned to always spend the extra $8 a day for insurance on rental cars (and to always look behind when backing up).

Here's Jim in the elevator getting ready to go run. If he looks blurry, it's because it's 4:30 in the morning - the run started at 6.

Mickey and Miney Mouse were there to start the show. There were about 14000 runners. It was suuuuper crowded.

After showering and ice-bathing, here's Jim relaxing and sporting his fancy new pin.

After seeing Jim start, and cheering him on at the 3 mile mark, I knew I had a little while before he reached the finish line, so I headed to the Disneyland Hotel gym to get a little run in on my own.

I ran about 2.5 miles, and even in that short (ha, I now think that's short!) amount of time, my foot started hurting. I called my physical therapist when I got back in town, and had an appointment today.
I really don't understand how last week I had tendonitis in my foot and was supposed to take pain killers and this week the problem is really tight muscles in my leg and foot and I need deep tissue massage. And in both cases I'm supposed to not run, and rest my foot...
This Saturday is supposed to be our last long run before the marathon - 20 miles. My physical therapist told me to go easy, see what I can do, maybe run-walk for a short distance, but not to run if it hurt.
I have two more deep tissue massage sessions next week, and I'm working on stretches and some exercises.
It's frustrating to be doing so well, and then get stuck. Crosstraining and resting...I haven't really run in 4 weeks, when I went 14 miles. I have 5 weeks until my marathon. I'm hoping I can really run it, but I'm not sure how well my body can tolerate that. But luckily the Portland Marathon is pretty walker friendly. So I'm getting across that finish line somehow!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

We're off!

Leaving for the airport in about 20 minutes to go down to LA. Jim is running the Disneyland Half-Marathon on Monday.
I have mini-sunscreen and mini-deoderant in a little plastic baggy.
My running shoes are coming with too so I can run on a treadmill (better than concrete) at some time on the trip.
And Micky Mouse is BECKONING ME!!

(What a random photo, I know)

Wish Jim luck, we'll be back on Monday night so we can go to work/school tomorrow.