Thursday, September 13, 2007

I've been getting deep tissue massage for my foot/ankle/leg whatever, and the pain I've had seems to be better. Last Saturday I ran/walked 17 miles. Took a really long time because I was trying to go slow and not hurt myself. But still, 17 miles!! It was hilly and trail running, so it was really dirty. How dirty you ask? Well let me show you... when I had my shoes on it just kinda made my legs look tan, but here...not so much.

I've also been through a track workout with stair climbing, and a mini-3 mile run last night.
All summer we've been trying to run late in the day or early in the morning to beat the heat, and now that it's becoming fall it's getting dark earlier! So we cut the run short so we didn't run in the dark.
This weekend I'm going to Tahoe, and hopefully I'll get some running in. We'll see what the altitude does to me. This last weekend was our longest run, now I'm tapering down to prepare for my race. A bit of a jump from 17miles to 26.2 miles, but it'll be fine :)

Aaaand, more pictures of Jim running at Disney:

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