Saturday, June 16, 2007

Shopping, Talking & Running

Tuesday after our track workout we went to MetroSport in Palo Alto to learn about Gear. I got fitted for for shoes, and bought me a new fancy pair of running shoes. Jim actually got the same shoe in the men's version. I also got some clothes so I can look good and feel good while I'm out there. Everything I had was cotton, which holds in moisture, so now I have some nice teknit sort of stuff that is good for running. It's good to have the right tools. I need to get some more stuff, since we're working out all the time, but I have enough for a good start.

I drove my friend Arthur to the airport on Friday night and we were talking about Team in Training. His father passed away from a really agressive form of Leukemia just over a year ago. I remember his Dad from high school, and I lived with the Ulfeldt's for a summer after we graduated. Both of our parents moved up north after we were in college, and we both ended up at UC Santa Cruz. I remember making eggnog on New Years eve with Arthur and his Dad in Pollock pines and visiting when we'd be home from school. Stan (Arthur's Dad) fell sick really suddenly, and at the time I just remember being really worried about him, and about the entire family. But I didn't know anything about the diagnosis, just that it was very serious.

When I started Team in Training, everyone kept saying how you'd be surprised how many people you know out there have a personal connection to blood cancers. I didn't really think that much of it. But Friday I realized how close to home this really is. Stan was an amazing man, he was so happy and non-judgemental, and so smart. He was one of those people that seemed to know a little bit about everything, actually a lot about everything. He took care of his sick wife and raised 3 kids, and always had some amazing (and often crazy) project going on. He was really amazing.
I asked Arthur if I could run in his Dad's honor, and he said that I could. I'm really excited to be able to dedicate my marathon to Stan, and to the Ulfeldt's.

With all of the progress that has been made fighting Leukemia & Lymphoma, and cancer treatment in general...there is still a very long way to go.

Running: On a happier note, today we had a regional run at Palo Alto Baylands. Erin and I ran together again, which was great. She inspired me to push myself past what I thought I could do. We ran 6 miles this morning. SIX MILES! We paced ourselves by alternated running and walking. It worked really well, and we were able to keep a pretty constant pace the whole time. And we ran in the whole last 1/2 or 3/4 of a mile. I really wanted to walk, but Erin told me I could do it, so I kept going. Stretching felt sooooo goooood when we got back. My shoes feel a little funny, and I'm not sure if I just need to get used to them, or if they don't fit quite right. I'm going to go back to MetroSport and see what they say. That's for is for watching CSI and playing board games.

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