Sunday, July 8, 2007

Running on my own

Last night I ran 5.4 miles. I know I've run farther than this, but this was the first time I did it on my own. It's alot different to wake up at 6:30 in the morning, go meet 100 teammates, have aid stations, and the trail marked.
I went to Lake Lagunita on Stanford Campus...which is really just a big hole in the ground, I can't imagine when it last had water in it, although it still has signs that say "No lifeguard on duty" and "boating at your own risk."
I used my new $6 Target watch to time myself, so I ran the whole way doing 5 minutes running with 2 minutes recovery. It kept me pretty steady the whole time, it was great.

I also used my new fannypack water bottle holder thingy, which was really wierd. And I ate Jelly Belly Sports Beans, which were tasty.

I think this running thing is becoming a habbit......

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